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PRI Workshop Presentations

Attendee asking a question at the PRI Workshop

The first PRI Workshop of 2016 was held February 5 in Berkeley Springs, WV to provide information and resources for communities that are interested in accessing PRI funding and addressing the issue of abandoned/dilapidated properties.

Missed it? Each presentation is available below.

Navigating the Ordinances and Enforcement Maze
WVU Land Use & Sustainable Development Law Clinic

A well-stocked legal toolkit is key to successfully addressing neglected properties in WV. This presentation outlines the basics of building codes, ordinances, and enforcement, and how your community can put these tools into action. You can access the  full online legal toolkit here. 

BAD Buildings Success Stories
Richwood, WV and Thomas, WV (October 9 workshop)
This presentation highlights the efforts of communities in Richwood and Thomas to address problem properties, including photos,  specific property highlights, development plans, and a process for how they organized.

BAD Buildings Program Overview
Northern WV Brownfields Assistance Center
This presentation outlines steps to form a team, develop a property inventory, and plan site reuse. It also highlights all the tools available through this website to address your specific community’s needs.

Property Rescue Initiative Loan and Program Overview
Housing Development Fund
This presentation describes the loan program in detail and provides an overview of the technical assistance program available to assist a community to prepare for the loan application. For questions about the PRI loan, contact a  Housing Development Fund Area Manager. For questions about PRI technical assistance, contact Nicole Dias at 304-293-6990 or

Community Organizing
West Virginia Community Development Hub
This presentation highlights the community

The PRI workshops were a collaboration of the Northern West Virginia Brownfields Assistance Center, the West Virginia Community Development Hub, the Land Use and Sustainable Development Law Clinic and the WVHDF.

Learn more about the 2016 PRI Workshops